This year is the 38th Prince George Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards and we have been named a finalist for the Top BIPOC Owned Business!
Top BIPOC Owned Business is the business that has showcased the best of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) entrepreneurship in Prince George. This business is owned or operated by a BIPOC person, community, or organization. This business has exemplified the finest in entrepreneurship, showcasing excellence, innovation, and exceptional customer service. It stands as a shining example of the achievements and contributions of the BIPOC community.
We want to say Mussi to the Prince George Chamber of Commerce for the opportunity to share our successes, and the success of local Black, Indigenous, and People of Colors’ businesses and the hard work they input every single day. Each and every one of our companies are making a difference in the business world, one way or another, and we are so proud to be part of this category.
Good luck to all finalists of the Business Excellence Awards. We are looking forward to sharing a night of showcasing local success.
The awards ceremony is on October 20th and we can’t wait to share photos of our night at the gala!